Clarisonic for Seborrheic Dermatitis

I started hearing rumblings of the amazing Clarisonic a few years ago. Devotees of the skin gizmo said it changed their skin for the better, dramatically so. The company that makes the Clarisonic claims that it cleans skin six times better than washing your face with soap and water in the usual manner. It’s soft bristles massage the face high speed. So when I had … Continue reading Clarisonic for Seborrheic Dermatitis

So . . . What IS Seborrheic Dermatitis?

I didn’t know there was a fancy medical name for my dandruff or for the flaky skin on my nose and forehead. It was after more than ten years of itchy-red-yucky-hideous-unomfortable skin problems that I finally heard the words, Seborrheic Dermatitis. Huh? What is seborrheic dermatitis? This sounds serious. Am I dying?! Turns out, seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disorder that is usually characterized … Continue reading So . . . What IS Seborrheic Dermatitis?

How I Treat my Sebhorheic Dermatitis: Scalp Edition

Here is what works best for treating the sebhorreic dermatitis on my scalp, but only if I’m totally committed. (Some of the product links below are affiliate links to help fund the blog.) You must have three or more different types of dandruff shampoo on hand, plus one regular shampoo. 1. Wash hair with regular shampoo first to clean scalp (sometimes I skip this to save time) 2. … Continue reading How I Treat my Sebhorheic Dermatitis: Scalp Edition